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Windkanal 2022 1 Titelbild

Windkanal 2019 2 Titelbild

Windkanal 2021 3 1 Kopie

Windkanal 2018 3 Titel

Tenor recorder Canta comfort knick baroque

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Pearwood, baroque double hole, with four keys
Sales price 1.018,00 €
 / Art.-Nr.: 
 / GTIN: 

Canta – the joy of ensemble playing
Versatile, reliable recorder ensemble with an homogenous sound, made of pearwood

Our Comfort Tenor makes playing easy: two additional keys reduce the stretch of the hand.
G-key: The left ring finger no longer needs to be strained.
F-key: The right index finger stretches less, making the entire hand relaxed.
C/C#-double key: The ergonomically designed and easy to operate key mechanism relieves the little finger of any strain when playing the lowest notes.

Natural holding position: the “knick” (bent head) brings the instrument closer to your body; you have a significantly smaller distance to get to the lower notes.

The tenor is the ideal instrument for anyone who already plays the soprano recorder but loves a warmer, deeper recorder sound. You don’t have to relearn anything: the fingerings and notation are identical to that of the soprano recorder.

Pleasantly clear sound – speaks easily: for use in ensembles or as a solo instrument, Canta is the model that offers versatility.

Especially resilient and reliable due to the choice of wood and robust, practical design.

Wood type: Pearwood

Fingering: Baroque with double holes and four keys

Fingering chart: download

Range: c1 – g3

Pitch: a1 = 442 Hz 

Comfort knick tenor recorder Mollenhauer 2446KC baroque double holes

  • Instrument
  • Case
  • Support strap
  • Thumb rest
  • Microfibre mop, highly absorbent
  • Joint grease
  • Fingering chart
  • Maintenance instructions

Recorders/Recorder material/Wood

Mollenhauer Adress

Weichselstr. 27
36043 Fulda (Germany)
Phone.: +49 661 94 67 0
Fax: +49 661 94 67 36

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